Bay leaves have been used in witchcraft for centuries, and they're still one of the most popular ingredients for spell casting. Bay leaves are thought to have a number of magickal properties, including the ability to protect people from harm, attract good luck, and ward off evil spirits. In addition, bay leaves are often used to bring spells to completion. They're also used to create potions and incense, which have been an ancient alternative to smudging with sage, as a way of cleansing the aura, along with consecrating altars and candles for spells. So if you're looking for a powerful ingredient for your next witchcraft spell, bay leaves are an amazing choice.
Table of Contents
Safety and Practical Tips
Always remove bay leaves from food before serving.
Use caution when burning herbs like bay leaves; ensure proper ventilation and never leave a fire unattended.
Respect the plant's energy and express gratitude for its use.
Store dried bay leaves in an airtight container away from light.
Fresh bay leaves can be more potent but have a shorter shelf life.
Dry fresh leaves by hanging them in bundles in a well-ventilated area.
Meaning of Bay Leaf in Spells

The bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) is a powerful magical tool with a long history of use in spiritual practices, spells, and rituals. Bay leaf spiritual benefits include powerful, protective, purifying, and divination properties, making it a popular ingredient in various magical rituals and spells.
Historical Context
In ancient Greece, bay leaves were associated with the Sun god Apollo and his unrequited and undefeated love for Daphne, but soon the laurel leaf crown became the crown of choice for emperors and kings alike to signify their success in defeating some level of opposition to their own wishes and will.
Bay Leaf Magical Folklore
Greek Myth:The nymph Daphne transformed into a laurel (bay) tree to escape Apollo's pursuit. Apollo then wore a wreath of bay leaves in her honor, making it a symbol of victory and prophecy.
Roman Tradition:Romans believed bay leaves could neutralize poisons, leading to the phrase "crowned with bay," indicating someone who had triumphed over death.
As a result, the laurel crown became a symbol of victory and success by overcoming obstacles and getting your wishes granted. We also see bay leaf symbolism quite prominently in the 6 of wands tarot card, being worn as a laurel leaf crown, representing the final victory after a series of battles.
The card itself is also simply known as "Victory" in Aleister Crowely's Thoth tarot card deck. We also see the rider holding a wand going through a wreath, which is similar to the maypole. However, as the wand symbolizes the will, the rider's will is crowned with success through victory.

The bay leaf has been used in many cultures throughout history for its magical properties. In ancient Greece, it was believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits, protect travelers, and bring good luck. In India, it was used to ward off bad luck and protect against danger.
Bay leaf magic is very much aligned with the same principles and ideas. That is why they're often used as an extra ingredient in manifestation spells or spells to overcome obstacles and blockage removing spells. They also help grant wishes, making them known as a wishing leaf, and help to move you closer to achieving hard-to-get goals. For these reasons, they are very often used for attracting abundance, wealth, and prosperity. It's also a potent protection herb used in spells that protect you from an enemy or a negative influence by warding off evil spirits.
They also make great talisman herbs, as they're known as an herb of good luck, so they're often used in spell bags that you can carry around as well.
Historical Context - Key Takeaways
Bay leaves have been used in magic for thousands of years.
Ancient Greeks associated bay leaves with Apollo and prophecy.
Romans used bay leaves for purification and protection.
Bay leaves have been consistently valued in magical practices across cultures.
Bay Leaf Correspondences

Astrological Associations
Planet: Sun
Zodiac Sign: Leo
The connection to the Sun and Leo emphasizes the bay leaf's associations with strength, vitality, and leadership. This makes them particularly potent for spells involving personal power, success, and recognition.
Elemental Association
Element: Fire
The fire element reinforces bay leaves metaphysical properties of transformation and purification. This connection enhances their use in protection spells, cleansing rituals, and passion-related magic.

Bay Leaf Magical Properties
Cleansing and purification
Use bay leaf for protection from psychic attack
Used as a form of exorcism to ward off evil spirits
Attracts good luck
Brings spells to completion
Strengthens psychic abilities and is a psychic enhancement for clairvoyance
Personal power
Prophetic dreams
Energetic healing
Apollo (Greek): God of sun, prophecy, and healing
Daphne (Greek): Nymph associated with laurel trees
Eros (Greek): God of love
Victoria (Roman): Goddess of victory
Invoking these deities in bay leaf spells can amplify their effectiveness in related areas.
Red - Related to fire and the willpower to succeed.
Gold - Prosperity, solar energy, the crown of success, abundance, and victory.
The solar plexus chakra, which is associated with willpower and overcoming obstacles to achieve success.
We could also include the crown chakra, upon victory, with the laurel crown of success, like we see the rider wearing in the 6 of Wands tarot card.
These associations makes bay leaves useful in spells for personal power, self-confidence, and will, along with success, victory, and completion.

Complementary Herbs and Crystals
Herbs: Rosemary, Thyme, Sage
These herbs complement the spiritual properties of bay leaves, enhancing their protective and purifying qualities.
Crystals: Citrine, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye
These crystals amplify the metaphysical properties of bay leaves, boosting their energy in spellwork.
Combining bay leaf magickal properties with these herbs and crystals can enhance all of their magical properties combined in spellwork. For example:
Pair bay leaves with rosemary for an enhanced protection spell
Use bay leaves and thyme together to boost clarity in divination practices
Combine bay leaves and sage for powerful cleansing rituals
Place a bay leaf with citrine to amplify abundance as a money spell or for achieving goals as a success spell
Use bay leaves with sunstone to strengthen personal power in witchcraft
Combine bay leaves and Tiger's Eye for grounding and confidence in magical workings
Understanding these correspondences allows for a more nuanced and powerful use of bay leaves magic, enabling the "bay leaves witch" and practitioners to align their spellwork with complementary energies and intentions. By leveraging the spiritual benefits of bay leaves alongside these complementary elements, you can use your creativity to come up with your own unique and effective magical workings, whether for protection, divination, or other spiritual purposes.
How to use Bay Leaves in Spells?
Bay leaf manifestation techniques:
Write intentions on leaves for bay leaf manifestation spells
Burn for cleansing and protection
Use in spell bags or sachets as bay leaf protection spells
Incorporate into magical oils or incense
Add to bath water for purification rituals
Spells with Bay Leaves
"Turn your luck around" candle spell with green spell candles, bay leaf, and citrines, along with some good luck charms (it can be your local folk charms), and spread them around the candle for this bay leaf spell.
"Being Victorious" spell bag talisman with bay leaf, thyme, and juniper berries.
"Wall of protection" spell jar with bay leaves, obsidian stones, evil eye beads, thyme and rosemary, optionally can be added a scroll with your name, layout of the flat or house or a sigil depending on what or who you want to protect.
Bay Leaf Spell Troubleshooting
Issue: Bay leaf won't burn completely
Solution: Ensure leaves are fully dried. If still difficult, crumble the leaf slightly before burning.
Issue: Can't write clearly on the leaf
Solution: Use a toothpick or fine-point marker. Alternatively, focus your intention into the leaf without writing.
Bay Leaf Spells and Rituals - Key Takeaways
Bay leaves are versatile in spellwork
Common uses include protection, cleansing, and wish manifestation
Burning bay leaves is a popular method for releasing intentions
Bay leaf spells can be easily incorporated into daily magical practice

Best Moon Phases for Bay Leaf Magick
The lunar cycle plays a crucial role in many magical practices, including those involving bay leaves. Each phase of the moon lends its unique energy to different types of spell work:
New Moon
Focus: New beginnings, setting intentions, and banishing negativity
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Write a negative habit you wish to banish on a bay leaf and burn it
Create bay leaf protection sachets with bay leaves to guard against new challenges
Waxing Crescent
Focus: Growth, improvement, and attracting positive influences
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Infuse oils with bay leaves for personal growth spells
Plant bay leaf seeds or saplings with intentions for future success
First Quarter
Focus: Decision-making, overcoming obstacles, and taking action
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Burn bay leaves to gain clarity on important decisions
Create a bay leaf talisman for courage and strength
Waxing Gibbous
Focus: Refinement, patience, and preparation
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Meditate with bay leaves to enhance focus on goals
Add bay leaves to cleansing baths to prepare for upcoming challenges
Full Moon
Focus: Manifestation, completion, and maximum power
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Perform the most potent bay leaf wish spells
Charge bay leaves under the full moon for future use
Waning Gibbous
Focus: Gratitude, sharing, and introspection
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Write gratitudes on bay leaves and keep in a blessing jar
Use bay leaf tea for divination and reflection
Last Quarter
Focus: Release, letting go, and forgiveness
Bay Leaf Cleansing Rituals:
Burn bay leaves with written regrets or grudges to release them
Create a bay leaf smudge stick for deep cleansing of spaces
Waning Crescent
Focus: Rest, recuperation, and hidden knowledge
Bay Leaf Rituals:
Place bay leaves under your pillow for prophetic dreams
Perform quiet, introspective rituals with bay leaves for self-discovery
Remember, while these associations can guide your practice, personal intuition and connection with bay leaves are equally important. Experiment with different moon phases to find what resonates best with your intentions and magical work.
Bay Leaves in Kitchen Witchery

Bay leaves, with their rich history and aromatic properties, are not only a staple in Mediterranean dishes, but also in many kitchen witch's pantries. These versatile leaves offer anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, making them more than just a culinary enhancement; they're a powerful tool for bay leaf witchcraft and magical practices right in the heart of your home.
Kitchen Witch Practices:
Protection: Bay leaves are known for their protective qualities. Hang a wreath of bay leaves on your kitchen door to ward off negative energies.
Purification: Burn dried bay leaves to cleanse your kitchen space of stagnant energies and pass utensils through bay leaf smoke.
Intention Setting: Before cooking, hold a bay leaf in your hands and mentally focus on your positive intentions or goals. As you add the whole leaf to your dish, visualize these intentions infusing your meal with positive energy. Remove the leaf before serving, as it's not meant to be eaten.
Bay Leaf Magical Recipes
Protection Oil
1/2 cup olive oil
7 dried bay leaves
1 tbsp dried rosemary
1 small clear quartz crystal
Crush bay leaves and rosemary
Heat oil gently, add herbs
Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring clockwise
Cool, strain, add crystal
Charge under full moon
Use for anointing candles, doorways, or yourself for protection.
Bay Leaf Protection Sachet
3 bay leaves
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp sea salt
1 small piece of black tourmaline
Red cloth and string
Lay cloth flat, add ingredients to center
Focus on protection intention
Tie sachet closed with red string
Carry with you or place in your home
By incorporating bay leaves into your kitchen witchery, you're not just seasoning your food—you're seasoning your life with magic. Remember, the key to effective kitchen witchery is to infuse your culinary creations with clear intention and positive energy.

Bay Leaf Magical Gardening
Growing Bay Leaf Plants
Plant in well-draining soil
Provide full sun to partial shade
Water deeply but infrequently
Prune in spring to maintain shape
Harvest leaves as needed, always with gratitude
Lunar Gardening for Bay Leaves
Plant during the waxing moon for growth
Harvest during the full moon for maximum potency
Prune during the waning moon to discourage overgrowth
Perform magical workings with your bay plant during the phase that aligns with your intention
Bay Leaf Divination Techniques
Bay leaves have long been revered for their divinatory properties in various magical traditions. To use bay leaves for divination, start by focusing on a specific question or area of your life you seek insight into. Write your query on a dried bay leaf using a non-toxic ink or by gently etching with a needle. Hold the leaf in your hands, visualizing your desires being successfully completed, then carefully burn it in a fireproof dish.
As the leaf burns, observe the smoke patterns, the way the leaf curls, and any images that form in the ashes. These signs can offer valuable insights into your query.
Alternatively, you can place bay leaves under your pillow before sleep to encourage prophetic dreams, or scatter them in a bowl of water and interpret the patterns they form on the surface. Remember, the key to effective bay leaf divination lies in your intuition and ability to interpret the subtle messages presented.
When burning a bay leaf for divination, observe the smoke and burning patterns carefully:
Smoke Reading Patterns

Upward-moving smoke: Positive outcome or spiritual growth
Downward or heavy smoke: Obstacles or negative energies
Spiral patterns: Changes or cycles in your life
Smoke that splits: A decision or fork in your path
Leaf Burning Patterns
Quick, even burn: Swift manifestation of your intention
Slow, uneven burn: Patience required, possible obstacles
Leaf curls upward: Positive energy, success
Leaf curls downward: Caution, potential setbacks
Sparks: Sudden inspiration or unexpected events
Bay Leaf Divination - Key Takeaways
Bay leaves can be used for various divination methods
Popular techniques include burning for smoke reading and dream divination
Bay leaf divination can provide insights into future events or answer questions
Combine with other divination tools for enhanced results
Integrating Bay Leaves with Other Magical Practices
Bay leaf magic combines well with:
Candle magic: Write intentions on bay leaves and burn them with candles
Crystal work: Place written-on bay leaves under crystals to amplify intentions
Tarot: Use bay leaves as bookmarks in your tarot journal for insight
Sigil Magic: Create a sigil and transfer it onto a bay leaf using a non-toxic marker. Activate the sigil by burning the bay leaf. Visualize your intention manifesting as the leaf burns
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What Students Love About This Course?
"Great foundational course!! I liked the baths, spritz and floor washes! Its nice to have non-smoke, cleansing options. I just went and used a wash on my room. The atmosphere is much nicer when the house gets cleared out." Alanna D.
"Dear Astrid, Thank you very much for this wonderful course! I really enjoyed every section of the course, and I'm looking forward to start my own little herbal practice. Exactly what I was looking for. " Tatiana B.
What Will You Learn?
You will learn how to identify and use different herbs and plants, and understand their properties and uses. This course will provide you with guidance on how to create your own herbal spell bags, spell jars, soaks and baths, dream pillows as well as how to safely use herbs in rituals and spells. This course will provide you with the confidence and knowledge you need to explore the world of green witchcraft and discover the magic of herbs.
Learn about the 9 most common magical herbs that you need in your spell kit
Master the best Moon phases for Herbal Spells to add more power
How to switch out and replace herbs you don't have for another
An entire collection of beautiful, printable downloadables (Magical Herbal Book Of Shadow cover and pages, an Herbal Energy Charging Symbol, and Lists of Magical Plants with meanings}
🌒 Questions and Answers 🌘
Q: Can I use bay leaves from my kitchen spice rack for magical purposes?
A: Yes, you can use culinary bay leaves for magic. However, ensure they're organic and haven't been treated with chemicals. For more potent magical work, consider sourcing bay leaves specifically for ritual use.
Q: How do I properly dispose of bay leaves after using them in a spell?
A: The most common methods are burying them in the earth, burning them (if not already done during the spell), or releasing them into flowing water. Always express gratitude and dispose of them respectfully.
Q: Are there any contraindications for using bay leaves in magic?
A: While generally safe, those with allergies to bay leaves should avoid handling them. Pregnant individuals should consult with a healthcare provider before using bay leaves medicinally or in large quantities.
Q: Can I reuse bay leaves in multiple spells?
A: It's generally recommended to use fresh bay leaves for each spell to maintain potency. However, leaves used in non-consumptive practices (like carrying as a charm) can be reused if cleansed and recharged between uses.
Q: How do I enhance the potency of my bay leaf spells?
A: Harvest bay leaves at noon on a Sunday for solar-aligned spells. Charge them under the full moon, and inscribe them with corresponding runes or sigils to amplify their energy.
Q: What's the significance of the number of bay leaves used in a spell?
A: The number can correspond to numerological associations. For example, use three leaves for manifestation (representing past, present, future), seven for luck, or nine for wishes and dreams.
Q: How can I incorporate bay leaves into my daily spiritual practice?
A: Keep a bay leaf in your wallet for prosperity, burn one daily for protection, or infuse bay leaf water to cleanse your sacred space regularly.
Q: Are there any lesser-known uses for bay leaves in advanced magical practices?
A: Advanced practitioners might use bay leaves in astral projection rituals, placing them on the third eye chakra, or in complex binding spells where bay leaves are woven into cords or ribbons.
Q: How do bay leaves interact with other magical herbs?
A: Bay leaves often synergize well with protective herbs like rosemary and sage. They can amplify the effects of prosperity herbs like cinnamon or basil. Experiment with combinations based on your intentions.
Q: Can bay leaves be used in weather magic?
A: Yes, bay leaves have been traditionally used in weather magic. Burn them to dispel storms, or use them in rituals to call for rain. This practice requires experience and should be approached with caution and respect for natural forces.
Bay leaves in witchcraft are a versatile and powerful tool, offering protection, purification, and manifestation properties. Whether used in spellwork, kitchen witchery, or daily rituals, they can enhance your magical practice. Remember to approach their use with intention and respect, and don't forget to support your magical efforts with practical actions towards your goals.
No matter how you decide to use bay leaves in your magical practice, it is sure to bring protection, purification, and good luck. Whether you are looking to ward off evil spirits or bring prosperity, the bay leaf is a powerful tool for bringing your wishes to fruition.
And don't forget to support your magical efforts with taking everyday life actions towards your goals - as they say, you should not rest on your laurels. : )
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Astrid "The Psychic Witch"
What Will You Learn?
This course is a result of many years of experience with teaching Witchcraft and seeing the hurdles students are facing at the beginning of their journey. My aim was to create a course that is not based on a specific witchcraft tradition, but instead gives students a solid foundation in the basic principles that many witchcraft traditions have in common. The course was designed to give students a head start on their own unique journey to discover their own magick.
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